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Chicago Mayor's Nature and Wildlife Committee

This is a placeholder for the first content to be added to the site. This will also be the public facing information page. For all the rest of the site, for now, users will have to log in to access it.

There should certainly be a fair amount of content here, though. It might be worthwhile to have image galleries and other content that are "open to the public." That could also include a forum. Users would have to register there, but that's not a problem, because we can have as many levels of [i]"users"[/i] as we need, all with different permissions to access and add content to different parts of the site.

So Committee members would have [b]full permission[/b] to add content, partners could have perhaps a bit less access, and the registered user (from the general public) would have fairly limited access, and it would be moderated. Anonymous users would not be able to add [i]any[/i] content, and any category of users could be limited in what would be even visible to them.

This is the beginning of a custom theme that I'm building. Once there's more content, I may use fly-out (or drop-down) menus.